£ 9.95

Words Edition

The words edition of Christian Hymns is a light and easy to hold hymnbook. It measures 145mm by 197mm and is 20mm wide. It has a hard cover with a thin laminate film for durability. Print inside the book is in two columns, and very easy to read.

£ 14.95

Large Print Edition

The large words edition of Christian Hymns is 18% larger than the standard words edition. To make lighter to hold, the hard cover has been replaced with a semi-rigid softcover with a thin laminate film for durability. The large print edition is ideal for people who might need somewhat larger font type.

£ 29.95

Music Edition

The music edition of Christian hymns follows the format of many traditional hymnbooks. It has a hard cover with a thin laminate film for durability and contains many indexes to help with hymn and tune selection. These include index of authors, translators and sources of words, index of composers, arrangers and sources of tunes, alphabetical index of tunes and metrical index of tunes as as well as a index of Biblical references and allusions.